8 Ways to Generate Leads

I always say there are two sides to being a business owner: RUNNING your business and MARKETING your business. You may offer a product or a service, but you have to make people aware of what you’re offering! Until you’ve developed a strong referral-based business, marketing yourself is vital. Becoming top-of-mind and building relationships is key, and there are different avenues to accomplish that. Below are eight starting points for finding new business opportunities. I recommend finding 2-3 areas that are within your strengths and build from there.

  1. Social media posts: consistent weekly educational posts & videos help grow your audience and demonstrate your knowledge. Social media is digital, free, and visual! As we’re all scrolling on our phones, you only have a few seconds to capture attention. Make people curious enough to stick around. Use storytelling to attract your audience. Stories inspire and motivate people to take action. They connect us to each other.

  2. Build relationships: Take one person out to lunch or coffee every week to work your network, whether it’s an existing client, prospect, or industry partner. Many of us sell a product or service in our respective industries. But as long as you’re adding value, I believe we’re actually in the people business, we just have different vehicles! See a need, fill a need. Learn to add value, build relationships, establish trust, and business opportunities will present themselves!

  3. Check in with clients you haven't heard from in a while and offer to help with holiday shopping, or a special occasion coming up. Are there birthdays, anniversaries, or big milestones worth acknowledging/celebrating? Offer a deal or thank you gift. This helps stay top-of-mind while adding value with a personal touch.

  4. Optimize your Google My Business Page. Most people will research you online before they reach out. Consumers want to see recent posts, reviews and signs of life. This credibility is essential. We can hype up our own business all day, but it speaks volumes to hear positive reviews from clients.

  5. Host a Client Appreciation Event. If your clients are local, this is a fantastic way to show your appreciation for their support. Keep it as simple or extravagant as your comfort level and ambition allows. A simple drop-in at your home or a local venue with light hors d'oeuvres will say a lot!

  6. Join a networking group. Greenville, SC (where I am locally based) has many great networking groups I can recommend, such as the local chapter of Rising Tide Society, where the focus is “community over competition”. Ask me about my experiences!

  7. Put together a short video educating clients and prospects on a hot topic relating to your industry. Graphics and text can be compelling when used correctly, but people connect best with YOU! Sharing on YouTube is a plus because it's the second most popular search engine behind Google.

  8. Post in a Facebook group. Some groups will allow #SelfPromoThursday posts, while others do not allow solicitation. Check group rules and post accordingly. You can also industry keywords to see what members are posting about. You may find an opportunity for a new connection. For example, I would search “social media marketing” and see posts from others looking for my services. I would then introduce myself directly in case there is an opportunity for a discovery call and ultimately partner up.

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Marketing and growing a business is complex, but it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Sometimes the difference lies in getting connected with the right marketer who can help champion your cause. Curious about what it looks like to work with me? Let’s connect today!

Michelle Legaspi

I'm a TV journalist turned marketer and entrepreneur. I use my passion for storytelling to help small businesses excel in their marketing. I live by John Maxwell’s philosophy, “Your life will only become better by helping make other lives better”.


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