Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

Short-form videos are everywhere

If you’re using short-form video content to promote your brand, you’re putting yourself in the lineup for more user engagement and audience retention. Trends show that short-form video content is most engaging and compelling to audiences. The first three seconds of any video are the most important for user retention. It comes down to how you edit the video! I’m mapping out all the main ingredients of video content creation so you can DIY it, or learn about my process.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

What market research is showing me as I build a social media course

I'm building out a course that's based on my experience as a social media manager + questions I often get from people regarding social media content creation and strategy. But I'm not just winging this. I'm building it off of what people want by doing market research and I’m pulling back the curtain!

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

8 Ways to Generate Leads

There are two sides to being a business owner: RUNNING your business and MARKETING your business. You may offer a product or a service, but you have to make people aware of what you’re offering! Until you’ve developed a strong referral-based business, marketing yourself is vital. Here are eight starting points for finding new business opportunities.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

SEO: Where I Come In

What exactly is search engine optimization (SEO)? It's the process of optimizing your website and content to boost visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is often a specialty in itself, while I stay in my lane with organic social media management. 📱

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

Why I Became a Social Media Manager

Social media marketing can be so multi-faceted that the skills can be full-time roles in their own right. There will always be a need for someone to keep up with it all and use that knowledge to reach customers online.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

What Makes a Great Newsletter?

Email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool to stay top-of-mind and reach a broader audience. They are the one asset that you own and are in charge of.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

Going the Extra Mile

Success can look like many things for businesses, whether it’s bottom-line revenue or year-over-year growth. And although not all success is easily defined as a data point, one thing remains: it’s vital to go the extra mile for those you serve.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

Good Storytelling in a Video

Communicating through video remains a go-to method to tell stories, entertain or share a message. Now, with short attention spans and the digital age, marketers continue to rely on video storytelling as a compelling and creative way to connect with their followers.

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Michelle Legaspi Michelle Legaspi

Requesting LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for establishing new connections and discovering exciting opportunities. And having “social proof” sets your profile apart. Here’s how to request a positive LinkedIn recommendation from colleagues.

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